I Wilderness Vision forener vi naturopplevelser med moderne organisasjonspsykologi.
Vi legger grunnlaget for dyptgripende kulturelle endringsprosesser og organisasjonsutvikling. Gjennom en fullstendig fordypning i naturen oppnår vi ikke bare nytt fokus og forankring, men også betydelige perspektivendringer og en økning i kreativiteten. I tett samarbeid med våre kunder tilrettelegger vi omfattende fjellturer for team, transformative lederreiser og nøye utformede strategier for både kulturell endring og personlig vekst.
Et velfungerende team bør operere som en samlet enhet, hvor alle arbeider mot det samme målet. Dessverre opplever mange team at individuelle perspektiver dominerer, i stedet for ekte samarbeid, åpenhet, støtte, ærlighet og kreativitet.
Gjennom naturbaserte opplevelser, øvelser og veiledede samtaler får teammedlemmene muligheten til å samles i en annen kontekst. Langt fra daglige operasjoner og hierarkiske strukturer får de anledning til å se og lære av hverandre på nye måter.
Resultatet av en effektiv teamutvikling er et team som beveger seg mot en felles visjon, hvor deltakerne utnytter sitt fulle potensial.
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How can this look like? In the embrace of nature, team development takes on a whole new dimension. Picture a group of team members gathered around a campfire, surrounded by trees and the sounds of a flowing river. They engage in team-building activities that require trust, cooperation, creativity and open, honest communication. “These ‘activities’ that are in conventional team-building ‘games’ and ‘exercises’ are always connected to a tangible reality, meaning that the outcome directly impacts how the group experiences being together outdoors.
In the wilderness, team members are exposed to the beauty and vastness of the natural world, which inspires and ignites a sense of adventure. They embark for example on hiking expeditions, traversing peaks and valleys, symbolising the obstacles they face together in their work environment. As they immerse themselves in nature, they discover parallels between the harmony and interconnectedness of the ecosystem and the dynamics of their own team.
Nature-based exercises provide opportunities for reflection, introspection, and personal growth. Whether it’s crossing a river together, building a shelter, or solving a problem as a team, each activity fosters a deeper understanding of individual strengths, weaknesses, and the power of collective effort.
Guided dialogues in nature allow team members to engage in meaningful conversations, free from the distractions of the office. As they share their insights and perspectives, they develop a deeper appreciation for diverse viewpoints and foster a culture of open and honest communication.
In this natural setting, team members witness the tangible results of their collaboration. They experience the power of unity as they work towards a common goal, leveraging each other’s abilities and talents. By embracing nature as their backdrop for team development, they unlock their full potential and emerge as a cohesive, motivated, and high-performing team.
Ledelsesutvikling er rettet mot de som ønsker å vokse både som ledere og som individer, og samtidig styrke sin evne til å håndtere stress og finne balanse mellom arbeid og familieliv.
Gjennom naturopplevelser, øvelser og veiledede samtaler får ledere muligheten til å frigjøre seg fra hverdagens stress. De zoomer ut, oppnår klarhet, ser muligheter og inspirerer hverandre.
Resultatet er inspirerende lederskap – en leder med en tydelig visjon, et proaktivt tankesett og evnen til å inspirere andre. Naturen bidrar også til å forsterke bærekraftige verdier og fremme utviklingen av smidig lederskap.
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How can this look like?
Leadership development in nature offers a unique and transformative experience. Imagine a group of leaders gathered in a natural setting, away from the demands and distractions of the corporate world. They engage in activities that challenge their perceptions, expand their capabilities, and foster personal growth.
By incorporating solo moments in nature, leadership development experiences become more holistic and transformative. Leaders not only engage in group dynamics and shared learning but also embark on an inward journey of self-discovery and personal growth. They return from these solo moments with a renewed sense of self-awareness, resilience, and a deeper connection to their leadership purpose.
Guided dialogues in nature create a space for leaders to reflect, share insights, and engage in meaningful conversations. Surrounded by the beauty and tranquility of the natural environment, they gain fresh perspectives and gain clarity on their leadership vision and values. They inspire and learn from one another, exchanging ideas and strategies for effective leadership.
Nature also serves as a powerful source of inspiration and renewal. Leaders immerse themselves in the sights, sounds, and sensations of the natural world, allowing it to refresh their minds and energise their spirits. They connect with the essence of nature, tapping into its wisdom and drawing parallels between its resilience and adaptability and the qualities required for effective leadership.
The integration of sustainable values is an integral part of leadership development in nature. Leaders develop an appreciation for the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of preserving and protecting the environment. They explore how to apply these principles to their leadership practices, fostering a more sustainable and responsible approach.